- 已驗証

- 導師 商業 - 個人提升, 商業 - 其他課程, 商業 - 專業課程, 幼兒教育, 興趣 - 兒童興趣, 興趣 - 其他興趣, 興趣 - 繪畫, 音樂 - 樂理, 音樂 - 鋼琴
- 164
- 0 ( 0 累計評論)
全職教授Arts & Music
✨wtsapp📞Ms Liu 64438001☎️
Arts🎨: 畫畫, 素描, 西洋書法, 手工, 漫畫, 篆刻... Etc.
Music🎹: 鋼琴, 伴奏及樂理.
(鋼琴教授初級至演奏級) 不限年齡。
收費視乎 地區及學生程度✨
可上門 或 到導師家(上水)授課。
* 廖氏為 全職導師,自幼習畫,熱愛藝術音樂,榮獲多個藝術及音樂獎項。
* 15年教授經驗。
* 為全國美術考級試註冊導師。
* 學生參加 ABRSM 英國皇家音樂考試 100%合格,很多都考獲良好merit及優異distinction成績。
* 教授 西洋書法、畫畫、素描、手工、鋼琴、樂理 及各類興趣班。
* 教授 鋼琴初級至演奏級、流行鋼琴、4hands、即興和聲演奏、詩歌彈奏及伴奏。
* 學生年齡由 幼童至成人(部分更為退休人仕)。
* 經驗教授名校學生,例如拔萃、華仁,私校及國際學校,學生成績優異。
* 經驗教授現職學校老師,增強他們的視覺藝術能力及提供興趣課程。
* 經驗教授特殊學習需要的學生(K1-成人程度),例如智障人士(輕至中度),專注力不足ADHD,自閉,唐氏綜合症及輕度痴呆等。
* 經驗教授成人,也曾於老人院教授長者。不論是在職人士/家庭主婦/長者,都因材施教。
* 經驗擔任詩琴及伴奏, 有合唱團 及音樂舞台劇演出經驗。
Awards of Music 部份音樂獎項:
2020, Hong Konk Youth Performance Art and Development Association, Best Teacher Award;
2016, 8th Hong Kong Cup Arts Festival (Music Contest), Open group, Gold Award;
2014, HK Youth Barclampory Music Festival Piano Diploma Class, Certificate;
2010, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, The 4th Internaional Music and Compeition,
Chopin Nocturne, Bronze Award;
2010, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, The 3th Internaional Music and Compeition,
Chinese Style(High-level group), Bronze Award;
2009, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, 2009 Internaional Music and Compeition,
Bach (High-level group), Bronze Award;
2009, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, The 4th Internaional Music and Compeition,
Bach (High-level group), Bronze Award;
2009, The 15th Hong Kong- Asia Piano Open Competition, Haydn Sonata Class (Preliminary), Certificate of Honour Award;
… etc.
Awards of Arts 部份藝術獎項:
2012, Planning Department, My Future HK Drawing Competition, Certificate;
2010, Wai Ji Christian Service, Life Colored, Certificate;
2009,TWGH Fong Shu Chuen District Elderly
Community Centre - Drawing Competition, Third With Certificate;
2009, Madoka Flower Design School (Japan), MESH Flower- Beginner's Class, Diploma;
2005, Hong Kong Communication Art Centre and MusicArts, Teenage T- Shirt Design Competition, Certificate;
2004, Po Leung Kuk Quality Circle Assessment and Award Scheme ( for Art ), Gold Medal;
1999, Senior Assistant Director Education Department, The Most Improved Primary Pupils Award Scheme,
Parent - child Poster Design Competition, Certificate with Merit;
Before 1998:
North District Town Hall drawing competition, Award;
Hong Kong Children & Youth Services, Christmas card Design Competition, Winner;
North District Town Hall, Christmas card Design Competition, Runner-up;
Shell Hong Kong, drawing competition, Merit Award;
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